We haven't had time to edit our photos, so you're getting ALL of our pics- good, bad and ugly.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Few Of Our Favorite Things

All in all, we really like China but there are a few things that annoy us...

The Staring
I kind of know what it feels like to be famous here... I don't really like it. I guess it's the blond hair and blue eyes but everyone here STARES at me. I'm talking slack jawed, head turned, flat out staring! This doesn't just happen every once in a while but everywhere we go (except in our gringo hotel). It's not too bad in the touristy places but when we take the subways or buses (anywhere where there aren't a lot of tourists) I have about 10 eyes on me. Today, a few people asked to have their picture taken with me! I've taken to wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses just about everywhere so that I can hide a bit!

The Spitting
The spitting here is pretty crazy. I'd heard about the spitting before but I didn't really expect this. The men here have perfected the lugie- it begins with a hacking sound that comes from deep within and ends in a flying ball of spit. Gross, I know. We get to hear this sound about 20 times a day and you really have to watch where you set your bag down. We've heard that Beijing has instated a spitting fine to encourage people to stop spitting before the Olympics happens but we haven't actually seen anyone get fined.

The Mosh Pits
There are no such thing as lines here. If you want to get on the bus or place an order for something, you body slam the counter along with everyone else. We really haven't gotten used to this yet, so we loose our place in line a lot. Sean did elbow some lady who was trying to shove him out of the way to get on the bus today though! I know that sounds mean, but you totally have to do it or you'll never get anywhere.

The Touts
These are the people who try to sell you stuff. All kinds of stuff- postcards, underwear, silk, you name it. We definitely look like tourists here, so everyone hits us up. We hear hello, hello everywhere we go. Hey, sir! and Hey, laaaadddy! are another two that are really common. Sean has had several women grab his arm and try to pull him into their shops! Like that is going to make him want to buy something! I am having a lot of fun haggling though :)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of spitting:
Indian city punishes spitting workers - Yahoo! News:

MUMBAI, India - Mumbai's top civic agency is trying public shame in hopes of keeping its employees from spitting in the halls and stairways at work.

Offenders will find their photographs, names and titles posted on bulletin boards at the headquarters of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, the body responsible for sanitation standards and the upkeep of roads and buildings.

They will also be fined 200 rupees ($5), an agency official, R.A. Rajeev, said Wednesday.

One worker already has become "Spit Employee of Today" since the campaign started Monday, Rajeev said.

Anonymous said...

Hello, hellooooo, hey ladeeeeee! Your trip sounds so amazing so far! (Much better than work which likely won't last too much longer for most of us office Oaties.) Keep posting and enjoy!