There are two different types of restrooms here, high tech and low tech.

There are also the very low tech type of toilets.

There are two other things of interest in the bathrooms here. One is that the more high tech sinks automatically give you soapy water first before switching to plain water- ingenious. The other is also a great idea. In many of the women's stalls there is a high chair looking thing on one of the walls so that women can pee in peace with out trying to juggle their baby along with the toilet paper. Man, all bathrooms should have one of those!
I've only been to a hotel outside of Tokyo, overnight, en route to Guam, but I was dazzled by the toilet facilities. I'm sure you are starting on a high note for the rest of your journey.
I wish I was going with you....
It was awesome to read about all of your experiences so far. Keep 'em coming! I am adventure starved!
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